Business Reforms in Côte d'Ivoire

= Doing Business reform making it easier to do business. =Change making it more difficult to do business.

  • DB2020

    Paying Taxes: Côte d'Ivoire made paying taxes easier by implementing an electronic filing and payment system, and by introducing an online case management system to process value added tax cash refunds. Enforcing Contracts: Côte d’Ivoire made enforcing contracts easier by publishing reports on commercial court performance and progress of cases.

  • DB2019

    Starting a Business: Côte d’Ivoire made starting a business easier by eliminating the requirement to notarize company deeds. Dealing with Construction Permits: Côte d'Ivoire strengthened construction quality control by appointing an independent architect in the commission tasked with reviewing building permit applications. Getting Electricity: Côte d’Ivoire increased the transparency of electricity tariffs by communicating tariff changes in advance. Registering Property: Cote d’ Ivory made transferring property easier by making registration fees payable at the Land Registry. Getting Credit: Côte d'Ivoire improved access to credit information by expanding the coverage of the credit bureau and beginning to distribute data from utility companies. Paying Taxes: Côte d’Ivoire made paying taxes easier by introducing an online platform for filing corporate income tax and value added tax returns. Enforcing Contracts: Côte d'Ivoire made enforcing contracts easier by adopting a law that regulates all aspects of mediation as an alternative dispute resolution mechanism.

  • DB2018

    Dealing with Construction Permits: Côte d’Ivoire made dealing with construction permits easier by streamlining processes at its one-stop shop.

  • DB2017

    Dealing with Construction Permits: Côte d’Ivoire made dealing with construction permits more transparent by making building regulations accessible online. Getting Credit: Côte d’Ivoire improved access to credit information by establishing a new credit bureau. Enforcing Contracts: Côte d’Ivoire made enforcing contracts easier by introducing a simplified fast-track procedure for small claims that allows for parties’ self-representation. Resolving Insolvency: Côte d’Ivoire made resolving insolvency easier by introducing a new conciliation procedure for companies in financial difficulties and a simplified preventive settlement procedure for small companies.

  • DB2016

    Registering Property: Côte d’Ivoire made transferring property less costly by lowering the property transfer tax rate. Trading across Borders: Côte d’Ivoire made trading across borders easier by implementing a single-window platform for importing, which reduced the time required for documentary compliance. Enforcing Contracts: Côte d’Ivoire made enforcing contracts easier by introducing new provisions on voluntary mediation.

  • DB2015

    Starting a Business: Côte d’Ivoire made starting a business easier by reducing the minimum capital requirement, lowering registration fees and enabling the one-stop shop to publish notices of incorporation. Registering Property: Côte d’Ivoire made transferring property easier by digitizing its land registry system and lowering the property registration tax. Getting Credit: Côte d’Ivoire improved its credit information system by introducing regulations that govern the licensing and operation of credit bureaus. Protecting Minority Investors: Côte d’Ivoire strengthened minority investor protections by introducing greater requirements for disclosure of related-party transactions to the board of directors and by making it possible for shareholders to inspect the documents pertaining to related-party transactions and to appoint auditors to conduct an inspection of such transactions. Trading across Borders: Côte d’Ivoire made trading across borders easier by simplifying the processes for producing the inspection report and by reducing port and terminal handling charges at the port of Abidjan.

  • DB2014

    Starting a Business: Côte d’Ivoire made starting a business easier by creating a one-stop shop, reducing the notary fees and replacing the requirement for a copy of the founders’ criminal records with one for a sworn declaration at the time of company registration. Dealing with Construction Permits: Côte d’Ivoire reduced the time required for obtaining a building permit by streamlining procedures at the onestop shop (Service du Guichet Unique du Foncier et de l’Habitat). Registering Property: Côte d’Ivoire made transferring property easier by streamlining procedures and reducing the property transfer tax. Paying Taxes: Côte d'Ivoire made paying taxes more costly for companies by increasing the employers’contribution rate for social security related to retirement, increasing the rate for the special tax on equipment and eliminating several kinds of tax relief for businesses. Enforcing Contracts: Côte d’Ivoire made enforcing contracts easier by creating a specialized commercial court.

  • DB2012

    Starting a Business: Côte d’Ivoire made starting a business easier by reorganizing the court clerk’s office where entrepreneurs file their company documents. Getting Credit: Access to credit in Côte d’Ivoire was improved through amendments to the OHADA Uniform Act on Secured Transactions that broaden the range of assets that can be used as collateral (including future assets), extend the security interest to the proceeds of the original asset and introduce the possibility of out-of-court enforcement. Paying Taxes: Côte d’Ivoire eliminated a tax on firms, the contribution for national reconstruction (contribution pour la reconstruction nationale).

  • DB2011

    Dealing with Construction Permits: Côte d’Ivoire eased construction permitting by eliminating the need to obtain a preliminary approval. Paying Taxes: Côte d’Ivoire made paying taxes less costly for companies by reducing the corporate income tax rate.

  • DB2009

    Paying Taxes: Côte d’Ivoire made paying taxes easier for companies by revising the real estate tax on developed land and reducing the corporate income tax rate.

  • DB2008

    Starting a Business: Côte d’Ivoire made starting a business easier by abolishing the requirement to notify the labor ministry. Paying Taxes: Côte d’Ivoire made paying taxes less costly for companies by reducing tax rates on corporate income and on insurance contracts.