Starting a Business: Côte d’Ivoire made starting a business easier by creating a one-stop shop, reducing the notary fees and replacing the requirement for a copy of the founders’ criminal records with one for a sworn declaration at the time of company registration.
Dealing with Construction Permits: Côte d’Ivoire reduced the time required for obtaining a building permit by streamlining procedures at the onestop
shop (Service du Guichet Unique du Foncier et de l’Habitat).
Registering Property: Côte d’Ivoire made transferring property easier by streamlining procedures and reducing the property transfer tax.
Paying Taxes: Côte d'Ivoire made paying taxes more costly for companies by increasing the employers’contribution rate for social security related to retirement, increasing the rate for the special tax on equipment and eliminating several kinds of tax relief for businesses.
Enforcing Contracts: Côte d’Ivoire made enforcing contracts easier by creating a specialized commercial court.