
Distance to Frontier

The distance to frontier score helps assess the absolute level of regulatory performance over time. It measures the distance of each economy to the “frontier,” which represents the best performance observed on each of the indicators across all economies in the Doing Business sample since 2005. One can both see the gap between a particular economy’s performance and the best performance at any point in time and assess the absolute change in the economy’s regulatory environment over time as measured by Doing Business. An economy’s distance to frontier is reflected on a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 represents the lowest performance and 100 represents the frontier. For example, a score of 75 in 2017 means an economy was 25 percentage points away from the frontier constructed from the best performances across all economies and across time. A score of 80 in 2018 would indicate the economy is improving. Read the methodology, explaining how the ease of doing business rankings and the distance to frontier measure are calculated (PDF).

Distance to Frontier Calculator: Users can adjust values of any indicators of an economy and see what impact this would have on the economy's overall ranking. Download Doing Business 2019 distance to frontier calculator(Excel).